ADHD: ADHD is like... a manual transmission: Having ADHD is like driving a manual transmission in your head. Jun-10-2022

ADHD is like... a manual transmission

Having ADHD is like driving a manual transmission in your head. That first gear is going to give you hell for a while until you learn to balance how much gas you need as you release the clutch. Getting the car moving is the hardest part, but once you’re moving its pretty simple.

See how I said simple, not easy?

The entire time you are learning stick you have the chance to stall. Does that mean you stop trying and give up? No! You’re doing so good! Why stop now? Take it a little slower. Get yourself off of a hill and out of traffic, and let yourself learn at your own speed.

You don’t need to meet everyone’s expectations of you.

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Spencer William Administrative Assistant

Music geek and Psychology enthusiast. Spencer was the kid in high school who couldn’t stay on task or write a paper to save his life.