ADHD vlogs: Paint me a picture of how you see your ADHD: Imagine you’re sitting in my office, feeling it’s time to get help with your ADHD. I’ll ask the normal first-session questions, and a bunch of abnormal first-session questions. We might even draw a genogram to better understand the relationships, frustrations, and strengths in your extended family. Then I’ll seek for the greatest understanding and ask you to describe how you see and live with your ADHD. Mar-13-2023

Paint me a picture of how you see your ADHD

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Imagine you’re sitting in my office, feeling it’s time to get help with your ADHD. I’ll ask the normal first-session questions, and a bunch of abnormal first-session questions. We might even draw a genogram to better understand the relationships, frustrations, and strengths in your extended family.


Then I’ll seek for the greatest understanding and ask you to describe how you see and live with your ADHD: “Paint me a picture of your ADHD.”

How you see your ADHD, how you relate to it, how you name it, and how it interacts with you are key elements of crafting a strategy and framework to help.

Without this insight, I’m just another talking head who says they understand ADHD.

If you’re ready to experience a different type of work with you and your ADHD, give us a call. We work with folks around Denver and all across the country.

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Tommy Underhill TTCD, ASDCS, ASDI Sex, Adult ADHD & Adult Autism

Tommy specializes in working with adults with ADHD and autism through a neurophysiological lens for social, relational, and sex issues. He oversees the long-term and strategic management for Littleton Couple’s Counseling. His entrepreneurship and small business management and operations span more than 30 years. Tommy is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Psychosexual Therapy. In his spare time, he runs a halfway house for wayward and abused orchids.