ADHD therapy mindset connection relationships self-improvement self-reflection: Living with ADHD: struggles: I hate being open and honest about my problems and struggles. Jun-22-2022

Living with ADHD: struggles

I hate being open and honest about my problems, struggles, and challenges.

It’s not that I don’t want the help, I just feel that I should be able to handle them on my own. When I do open up and let people, in I feel better. I worry about people judging me, or thinking I’m too screwed up. I don’t want people to abandon me because they think I’m broken.

I consciously know that this builds unintentional barriers both within myself and between myself and the people around me. I don’t want to seem weak to those around me. I think and act on an internal directive to minimize short-term discomfort rather than long-term success. Perhaps that is one of my growth edges.

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Spencer William Administrative Assistant

Music geek and Psychology enthusiast. Spencer was the kid in high school who couldn’t stay on task or write a paper to save his life.